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he cop and the anthem is a very interesting short novel. it is written by o.henry. in the story, a poor man named soapy has no job or money. he wanted to go to the jail because he has nowhere to go. the food in the jail can feed him. he tried a lot to break the law so that the police would catch him and send him to the jail. he ate a great meal without paying the bill, he shouted in the street, he grabbed someonesquo;s umbrella. but he failed, the people just didnsquo;t call the police. he started to think. he thought it was the godsquo;s idea to keep him out of jail. and just when he decided to find a job and live on his own, a police came and send him to jail.

sometimes the life is like a joke, it is very interesting. just like forrest gump once said life is like a box of chocolate, you never know what you are gonna get。 you never know what is gonna happen to you at the next second, so just try to enjoy your life.


wuthering heights was not well received by the reading public, many of whom condemned it as sordid, vulgar, and unnatural--and author emily bronte went to her grave in 1848 believing that her only novel was a failure. it was not until 1850, when wuthering heights received a second printing with an introduction by emilys sister charlotte, that it attracted a wide readership. and from that point the reputation of the book has never looked back. today it is widely recognized as one of the great novels of english literature.

even so, wuthering heights continues to divide readers. it is not a pretty love story; rather, it is swirling tale of largely unlikeable people caught up in obsessive love that turns to dark madness. it is cruel, violent, dark and brooding, and many people find it extremely unpleasant. and yet--it possesses a grandeur of language and design, a sense of tremendous pity and great loss that sets it apart from virtually every other novel written.

the novel is told in the form of an extended flashback. after a visit to his strange landlord, a newcomer to the area desires to know the history of the family--which he receives from nelly deans, a servant who introduces us to the earnshaw family who once resided in the house known as wuthering heights. it was once a cheerful place, but old earnshaw adopted a gipsy child who he named heathcliff. and catherine,daughter of the house, found in him the perfect companion:wild, rude, and as proud and cruel as she. but although catherine loves him, even recognizes him as her soulmate, she cannot lower herself to marry so far below her social station. she instead marries another, and in so doing sets in motion an obsession that will destroy them all.

wuthering heights is a bit difficult to get into; the opening chapters are so dark in their portrait of the end result of this obsessive love that they are somewhat off-putting. but they feed into the flow of the work in a remarkable way, setting the stage for one of the most remarkable structures in all of literature, a story that circles upon itself in a series of repetitions as it plays out across two generations. catherine and heathcliff are equally remarkable, both vicious and cruel, and yet never able to shed their impossible love no matter how brutally one may wound the other.

as the novel coils further into alcoholism, seduction,and one of the most elaborately imagined plans of revenge it gathers into a ghostly tone: heathcliff,driven to madness by a woman who is not there but who seems reflected in every part of his world--dragging her corpse from the grave, hearing her calling to him from the moors, escalating his brutality not for the sake of brutality but so that her memory will never fade, so that she may never leave his mind until death itself. yes, this is madness, insanity,and there is no peace this side of the grave or even beyond.

i read wuthering heights twice, for the first time like reading other books caocao, swallow jujube, fog in the cloud, don 't understand its meaning. the second time had to helplessly read again, in a word, carefully, this just read the taste. here, i have to admit that emily bronte is indeed a genius writer, her talent is no less than any famous or unknown writer since literature. although emily only spent 30 short spring and autumn in this world, but this is unusual. she had never stepped out of the town where she was born, but her sky was wider and deeper than anyone else. as one of the famous bronte sisters, she deserves the name. her poems are vast blue, give a person with courage and strength, the only novel " wuthering heights" is pure white, quiet and peaceful, and will generate out of different passion - emotion, to fanaticism and agitation, as if the extreme white, but both colors are so clean and pure.

the love in wuthering heights is so special that it is different from the love created in any novel so far. this " emily" type of love is so sincere, frank, never half of the wriggle and feminine affections. only such feelings, is really from the heart of the people, is from the human nature. interwoven in all of this, is so naked, no half of the prison, also never thought of the prison. this is the world 's most real erotic portrayal, emily never put it on the so-called " literary coat"。 emily shaped the protagonists, love is so strong, beyond everything, even the distance between life and death. the depth of love, the pain. skriv' s hatred is so strong, real and powerful. this desire for revenge, strong enough to destroy everything around him. the fire of vengeance burned the feud between the two families. when catherine died, he was so miserable. catherine took his love and everything. although he is still alive, but and death. he even got so much, but still not enough to fill his loss, the trauma of his heart. because catherine is dead, his life is meaningless. when he calls his lover day and night like a ghost, he is no longer available. he tormented others, also all the time not to hurt his body. his revenge, he got so many people 's property, but he lost the last pillar to support their survival, so, at this moment, he died.

in skriv and the hero of this generation, love is always stronger than hate, emotion always above and reason, so they are easy to crazy, but let a person respect. their next generation - that kind of reason than emotional love, compared to them, is how pale, much less. emily 's advanced writing techniques, coupled with this wonderful literary thinking, no wonder people will be the unique book as " the only outstanding work is not covered by the dust of time"。



it’s a short story by o.henry that has moved me for a long time.maybe most of you are familar with its name,that is,the gift of the magi.i have read it many times but every time i like to read it slowly and deliberately.i think “the gift of the magi”

is meant to be savored.

maybe there is no necessity for me to repeat the main idea of the story.but i’m so fascinated with the short story that i want to retell it yo you,and to myself.

it happened to a very poor but blissful young couple named jim and della in the end of 18th century in england.because of the maladies of that society and the effect of economic crisis,they worked hard but earned little.life is very hard for them.despite of this,their love to each other and the enthusiasm for life didn’t changed at all.when chrismas day was approuching ,della used the money she got from selling her beautiful hair which she treasured very much to give jim a fob for his grandfather’s pocket watch.but jim had already sold that watch to buy della tortoiseshell combs to wear in her long hair,not knowing she’d cut it off.

it appears that the gifts they gave each other have been useless.but i think they gave each other the best of what they had to make the other happy.isn’t that true love?we can image,in such rough conditions,as it said in the story,”life is made up of sobs,sniffles,and smiles,with sniffles predominating.”its’t absolute reasonable for them to be beaten by the misery.but the fact is that no matter how tough life had been,they would’t lose heart.with strong faith and their love ,they did their best to make the other pleased.”whennever mr. james came home and reached his flat ,above he was called ‘jim’and greatly hugged by mrs. james.”maybe this account is the best description of their love and struggle against hard life.it was said that the povertier life is ,the firmer and truer love is.”actually,they’d given the very best they had out of love.

“they are too foolish children in a flat,who most unwisely sacrificed for each other the greatest treasures of their house.but in a last word,to the wise of these days,let it be said that of all who give gifts these two were the wisest.”said the writer in the last paragraph.yes,they are wisest.they are the magi.are there any reasons for us not to show respect for the young couple?

i remind my grandparents.they have spent fifty years together.no romantic words,no stirring behaviours,just comman even pedestrian life.but i can say love exists in every detail of their life.they have gone through war period,three years’ natural disasters,cultural revolution and so on.but no matter what happens,they are always considering for the other.even now both of them have become old step by step,they still cared about each other.my grandparents,in my opinion,is a pair of lovers forever.

love has nothing to do with money,possession or status.it’s consideration,tolerance and respect.it’s giving one’s best to the other even it means sacrifice.it’s affection which connects two persons’ hearts,and it’s reinforced by adversities.

struggle against adversities.nothing did they have,at least they owened love.never give up as long as love exists.from”the gift of the magi”,from jim and della and from my grandparents,i have learned a lot about love,life and hope.


the story is: there is a young couple, the family is poor, but they love each other very much. its almost christmas time. they want to buy an ideal gift for each other. in order to match jims gold watch with a matching watch chain, the hostess della wanted to cut off not only her love, but also the sale of the beautiful hair that everyone was envious of. he bought a beautiful chain as a christmas gift to jim with the money of her hair. in order to give della christmas presents, jim bought a hairpin that matched her hair, and sold the gold watch of her beloved.

in order to give a gift to each other at christmas, jim sold his gold watch to buy a set of "pure tortoiseshell, a jewel edge" comb; dela sold his long hair and bought a white gold chain for jim. the first time i heard this article was heard on the radio. at that time, there was no feeling when i was very young, but there was a perplexity that i could not think about. why could i not afford to buy the protagonists band and comb in the novel until i saw the original book that it was a jewel comb and a white gold band. at that time, the radio station was used to play this novel for the political needs of the time, so that we could feel the ugliness of the socialistic warm capital class society. of course, it was gradually understood when they grew up. this novel has always been with me since i came into contact with this original work. from time to time, i would like to take a look at the plot. although the story is small, it is full of human radiance, warmth, love, loyalty and loyalty. in a difficult environment, a couple who love each other depend on what they cherish most in exchange for each others favorite gifts.

after reading ohenrys novel, i felt very deeply. in the face of the hard and embarrassing reality, the enthusiasm and courage of their life deeply touched me. ohenry was famous for his unexpected ending. he was also known as the manhattan poet, and thought the end of maggies gift carefully. cut is reasonable, since dela is willing to sell her most proud hair to jim for a watch chain. then why did jim not sacrifice the gold watch to buy the gorgeous comb for dela? because love is always interlinked.

jim and dela, the protagonists of the story, though very unwisely sacrificed their most precious things for each other. but lets say the last word to todays wise men that those two gifts are among the most intelligent. among all those who give gifts and receive gifts, the two of them are the cleverest. it is a priceless treasure that they give to each other with their beautiful heart. and this priceless treasure is just a gift that no one in the world will ever be wise or wealthy. i think, perhaps this is what the author of the novel wants to tell people.


a christmas carol is one of the most famous works of charles dickens, who is a criticism writer in the 19th century. his works mainly reflect the reality. so i like his works very much.

charles dickens was born in 1812, england. he had many difficulties during his childhood. however, these experiences enriched his life, at the same time, supporting many writing materials for his writing. he wrote more than 20 novels in all, reflecting the hate to the money and the sympathy to the common people. his works, such as great expectations, a tale 0f tw0 cities, were affected by many readers.

this novel told a people who regard money as important as his own life---scrooge. even on christmas eve, he was also quite mean to everybody. there are five chapters in all. chapter 1 introduced scroogesquo;s character and marley, his friendsquo;s ghost. the language was very beautiful and active. i like this part best. as followed there was a part of word to describe scrooge: he was a hard man with money, hard as a stone. he was a secret self-contained man; friendless and alone .the coldness inside him froze his old face. his eyes were red. his thin lips were blue. cold seemed to stiffen his way of walking. the hair on his head and above his eyes was white, white as snow. he carries this coldness with him always wherever he went. this part illustrated scrooge was a cold man. he grasped the money tightly. as the following story, scrooge refused his nephew invitation to have the dinner with his family. and he always scolded the christmas is humbug. he didnsquo;t believe the existence of christmas and didnsquo;t want to share his happiness and money with others. he had dinner in an inn and then went home. he had rooms in a house which had once belonged to marley. scolded sat quietly on the coach. but suddenly there is a big knocker on the door. it was marleysquo;s ghost. the ghost was bound by the heavy chain and told scrooge its tragic fate. the ghost told scrooge that three spirits will come to scrooge and then faded away.

from chapter 2 to chapter 4, it talked about the three spirits. the first spirit stood for the past. it showed the happy times in the past of scrooge. in the past scrooge always said merry christmas to whoever he met. he loved life and enjoyed everything in his life. in this part the spirit also showed the first work of scrooge. his boss, fezziwig, treated them very well on christmas. but scrooge gradually changed. he loved money more than his lover. so his lover parted with him. itsquo;s the money that made scrooge lost many things. the second stands for the present. in this part , scrooge is a greedy man . he has no mercy to everything and waste of his time. the third spirit stands for the future. in this part, it showed that scrooge regret what he had done. and scrooge was impressed at last. he understood money is not the only thing that is worth to reserve. love and care were important too.

at the last chapter, that is chapter 5, scrooge changed himself and gave mercy to the poor. and he had dinner with his nephew.

all in all, this story has a perfect end. form this story, i realized that in this world, money is not everything. we also need love and help.


the 19 th-century french writer "notre dame de paris" describes how the heroine grew up into a bell, and being abused...

while another hero esmeralda beauty unsurpassed, pure good, good, she and her brilliant kid is give a person with infinite daydream in the whole novel the romance of luminescent spot, is the embodiment of beauty and freedom, but in the asceticism in the s, such as a flower of beautiful life is in the middle ages the lamentable to collapse too.

life is like a piano, someone pops up on the keys in the spring of hope, shade in the summer, the autumn harvest, the joy of winter, which made us read the two characters together again with misfortunes.

life the good teacher every day with you, with you, you just haven't found.

















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