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look at the book, let me think of a lot, i also dont know this book, under the reminder of my girlfriend i discovered this book, i think this writing is very good, although the story took place in 152 years ago, but it can also write the faint shore of the world, the master is really miserable, but difficult to do her,

she still insists on living, she still has a perfect result, this is to eat bitter bitter, fang is the truth of the human being, we also want like her in the real life!

i hope all the students, all the young people, dont be scared in front of difficulties, to be brave in the face of it, you can walk out from the difficulties, so you are a brave man!

believe that you are also a person of interest!


bertha mason is the insane wife of rochester. in precise contrast to the angelic helen, bertha is big, as big as rochester, corpulent, florid, and violent. much of bertha’s dehumanization, rochester’s account makes clear, is the result of her confinement, not its cause. after ten years of imprisonment, bertha has become a caged beast (showalter 73). as bronfen states, where helen ‘fed’ off her dead ancestors, bertha feeds off the living, bites and draws blood from her brother, repeatedly threatens the life of her husband, and embodies a return of what they would like to repress (200). bertha can be seen as jane’s darkest double, as her ferocious secret self, who appears whenever an experience of anger or fear arises on jane’s part that must again be repressed (jane eyre 167).acting for and like jane, she enacts the violence jane would like to but can’t express, especially in respect to marriage. she also articulates jane’s fears and desires about her own mortality (bronfen 200).

there are multiple themes in jane eyre. one of the main themes is the need for love contrasting with the need for independence. as a bildungsroman, jane eyre is the story of jane’s striving for independence, struggling with passion, and finally growing into maturity. as the story starts, gateshead is the place in which the passions of childhood are given free rein (lamonica 70). in lowood, although jane is no longer dependent on the reed family, her passion is restricted by the severe rules. in thronfield, however, an excess of passion between jane and rochester ultimately causes her to run from thornfield hall with no plans for the future, ending up starving and delirious on the doorsteps of the rivers family at marsh end (teachman online). marsh end, like lowood, is a place where restraint of passion is a way of life. while she cares deeply for st. john, who asks her to marry him, jane knows that she would never be able to love him with the kind of passion she feels for rochester. as teachman states, jane is a woman who, having once known true passion, cannot settle for anything less in marriage (online). in ferndean, the final location of the novel, passions have been moderated to some degree by both time and experience. burn have rendered rochester dependent on others for his daily care. jane thus finds him changed from a vital and sometimes threateningly passionate man into a man tamed by both emotional and physical trauma (teachman online). jane, on the other hand, had found loving cousins. she has also inherited her uncle"s fortune, making her an independent woman with no need of the financial support. as a result of this increased level of independence, she is able to regulate her passions, indulging them when she feels it appropriate and choosing not to act on them at other times. this final section of the novel reveals the integration of essential parts of jane"s personality and education into a b adult woman, who also at this time becomes a mother and a true partner to her husband (teachman online).


oliver twist, one of the most famous works of charles dickens’, is a novel reflecting the tragic fact of the life in britain in 18th century. the author who himself was born in a poor family wrote this novel in his twenties with a view to reveal the ugly masks of those cruel criminals and to expose the horror and violence hidden underneath the narrow and dirty streets in london. the hero of this novel was oliver twist, an orphan, who was thrown into a world full of poverty and crime. he suffered enormous pain, such as hunger, thirst, beating and abuse. while reading the tragic experiences of the little oliver, i was shocked by his sufferings.

i felt for the poor boy, but at the same time i detested the evil fagin and the brutal bill. to my relief, as was written in all the best stories, the goodness eventually conquered devil and oliver lived a happy life in the end. one of the plots that attracted me most is that after the theft, little oliver was allowed to recover in the kind care of mrs. maylie and rose and began a new life. he went for walks with them, or rose read to him, and he worked hard at his lessons. he felt as if he had left behind forever the world of crime and hardship and poverty. how can such a little boy who had already suffered oppressive affliction remain pure in body and mind the reason is the nature of goodness. i think it is the most important information implied in the novel by dickens-he believed that goodness could conquer every difficulty. although i don’t think goodness is omnipotent, yet i do believe that those who are kind-hearted live more happily than those who are evil-minded. for me, the nature of goodness is one of the most necessary character for a person. goodness is to humans what water is to fish. he who is without goodness is an utterly worthless person.

on the contrary, as the famous saying goes, ‘the fragrance always stays in the hand that gives the rose’, he who is with goodness undoubtedly is a happy and useful person. people receiving his help are grateful to him and he also gets gratified from what he has done, and thus he can do good to both the people he has helped and himself. to my disappointment, nowadays some people seem to doubt the existence of the goodness in humanity. they look down on people’s honesty and kindness, thinking it foolish of people to be warm-hearted. as a result, they show no sympathy to those who are in trouble and seldom offer to help others. on the other hand, they attach importance to money and benefit. in their opinion, money is the only real object while emotions and morality are nihility. if they cannot get profit from showing their ‘kindness’, they draw back when others are faced with trouble and even hit a man when he is down. they are one of the sorts that i really detest. francis bacon said in his essay, ‘goodness, of all virtues and dignities of the mind, is the greatest, being the character of the deity, and without it, man is a busy, mischievous, wretched thing, no better than a kind of vermin.’

that is to say a person without goodness is destined to lose everything. therefore, i, a kind person, want to tell those ‘vermin-to-be’ to learn from the kind oliver and regain the nature of goodness.








during the summer vacation, when i once again picked up the book "madame curie", i was once again overwhelmed by the indomitable spirit of madame curie.

this book mainly describes the brilliant course of madame curies unremitting efforts to achieve success for her dream and family. madame curie is the only female scientist who has won two nobel prizes. her achievements in science are inseparable from her hard work. when she was young, though her family was poor, she studied very hard. when she was young, she lived alone in a shabby pavilion in a different place and struggled for her dream in a tough environment. in middle age, she worked hard in a shabby research room to study radium. madame curies spirits always inspired me to give up whatever difficulties i encountered.

i remember that there was a pe final exam. the teacher told us that the content of the exam was a 400 meter long run. if you want to get the best result, you must run the whole course in 1:50 seconds! as soon as i heard it, i suddenly lost my eye: long distance running is the worst thing i am good at, let alone only 110 seconds! how can i get to the end in such a short time? thinking of this, i cant help but hang my head down and worry about the exam. before long, i dont know who called out, "30 to 40 students test!" as soon as i heard my number, i was nervous and worried: the students in the exam were all standing on the track to do the preparation work, and they were all confident and energetic, but i was too late to stand on the track. what should i do? i cant help wrinkling my brows when i look at their confident appearance, but the exam is about to start, so i have no time to think about it, so i have to put my head on it. i reluctantly walked to the track with heavy steps and hesitation. when i was in the starting position, looking at the whistle in the teachers hand, i suddenly remembered that madame curie had been struggling for 45 months to extract radium from 9000 kg of asphalt slag. what is the difficulty for me? thinking of this, i took a deep breath and told myself in my heart that i must strive for good results! so i put up my ears and waited for the teachers start command. "take your place, get ready, run!" as soon as i heard the command, i ran like an arrow away from the string, afraid of falling behind others. at the beginning, i saw myself running in the first few. i couldnt help but feel relieved. i had more confidence in myself and worked harder to move forward. unconsciously, time passed by, gradually, the end seemed to be only a step away from me! i was so excited that i hurried to speed up, but it was not as fast as when i started. at first, i didnt care, but before long, i suddenly felt the shortness of breath, the footsteps were getting heavier and heavier, and the whole person seemed to have no energy. i want to run as hard as i can, but my feet are like lead. i cant run any more. i only feel dry mouth and dry tongue. there are sweat beads on my forehead. i really want to sit down and rest! just when i wanted to give up the exam, i thought again of madame curies indomitable spirit, her unrelenting spirit in the face of difficulties, her striving spirit in adversity there is always a strong force in my heart that supports me to persist in the end! i get rid of heavy lead, run forward with all my strength, and try to run to the end with the fastest speed! close, closer, i ran through the end excitedly!

when i look back at the road ive run, i feel a different sense of pride. i cant help but think of madame curies famous saying, "my highest principle is: never give in to any difficulty!" yes, difficulties and setbacks are not terrible. as long as we dare to overcome them, everyone is the best!

















    星期一至星期五 8:30~12:30 14:00~18:00
