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in many parts of the world, a traditional concept of family called four generations living together has been handed down for thousands of years. in old times, the eldest man usually dominated others without any challenge amid the overpopulated home. in comparison with modern society, such a place should be an effective habitat to keep greed and selfishness ,which is considered as born nature of humans, away as a consequence of helping each other and sharing property between family members under the supervision of the most influential man. however, over a thousand-year period those female members suffered extremely tough circumstances of s e x ual discrimination: they were in charge of childcare, household chores, farmingtopsoil clearing and planting, you name it. whats worse, they werent allowed to dine with men at the same table-leftovers filled up their bellies. conversely, in contemporary society, a growing number of females are fighting for more human rights, say, equality to males, and they are gaining ground! how to convince the fierce female tigers these traditions are their better destiny? no way!!!a better life can never be expected by only eliminating greed and selfishness. whereas it ought to be defined along with the following qualities: privacy respected, individual development, no s e x ual discrimination and a fair community with equal opportunities. in addition to my viewpoint, an appropriate way of education would probably a sensible solution to minimize the goddamn greed and selfishness in modern society instead of returning to the old society.


traditional chinese culture is beginning to capture the attention of the world. this is true even as popular culture that has traditionally been considered western begins to spread throughout china. kung fu, especially, has had a great impact on the millions of people who first learned about china through it.

from that, they may come to china and learn about other aspects of this culture, such as traditional operas like the beijing and sichuan ones. asian nations have long known about the greatness of ancient chinese culture. their own cultures are a mix of native ones and those chinese characteristics.

korea and japan long ago adopted ideas such as confucianism is something that continues today even as it is challenged by pop culture. this strength comes from the ideas given in the four books of confucianism (the great learning, the doctrine of the mean, the analects of confucius, and the book of mencius).

these books built upon the ideas of an even more ancient period codified in the five classics. from them, the west learns such things as fengshui and other concepts that are uniquely chinese. china has taken steps to further this spread of its culture by establishing chinese cultural centers in such places as the united states and europe.


we humans live on earth, there are many things on earth that we need to protect, but we do not care.

some people do not cherish the earth to give us everything, such as people chaos cut off a lot of use of disposable chopsticks and throwing plastic bags, white garbage has been made to the nature of many environmental problems, seriously affected our lives. there are air pollution, acid rain and the ozone layer and other hazards are caused by nature to the human disaster, people chaos cut off, throwing plastic bags and the use of disposable chopsticks, etc., these are people do not respect the nature of the resulting , no nature, no human beings. this is a simple truth of the world, people will only blindly rob nature, conquer nature, will only destroy the ecosystem, blame themselves, so that human beings on the verge of trouble. remember, protecting the environment is equal to protecting our own living environment.

we want to protect this fragile earth, do not let the dense forests, vast grasslands and boundless oceans become our memories.

now, we should protect the environment and defend our homeland together.






human beings have only one earth, it is the natural resources of human survival, people want to live a happy life, we must consciously protect the natural environment, love the earth.

however, in recent years, the earth's environment has become increasingly bad: global warming, hurricanes, heavy rain and other severe weather, "sars", avian flu and other infectious diseases occur, to human life and the work poses a serious threat and a lot of inconvenience. these are the result of people constantly "hurting" the earth. large tracts of forest are cut down, green green mountains are excavated, beautiful grassland into desert, clear river into a turbid flow. the forest is less, the grassland bald, grassland shortage, dark water, so that people living environment deteriorated, breathing the air worse, the living environment by many harmful things "encroachment", the virus took the opportunity to get into the people in the body, we humans will suffer from some terrible disease.

a few days ago, i saw in the newspaper such a comic: a person sitting on the treetops, is cutting his sitting tree branches. "well, it's funny." some people might think so. do not you think about it, is it just funny comic? is it not in the irony of us? do not you realize that it warns us that mankind, while destroying the environment, is unknowingly hurting himself.

when you walk in the street, if you want to spit, what would you do? if you choose to spit on the ground, then you think no, you are harm yourself? a sputum contains a lot of bacteria, when the sun will be breeding, infection. similarly, when you cut down a tree, when you dig a piece of grass, when you put the dirt into the river, do not you think it is in the destruction of the environment, "hurt" yourself?

as the saying goes: "predecessors planted trees, descendants shade," the previous people gave us large tracts of forest, green, we left to future generations what is it? is the bare desert, or the dense woods, you must choose is the dense woods. so what hesitation, let us all consciously protect the environment, consciously care for the environment, consciously greening the environment, improve our living environment, create a better future!


every time i see the blue sky covered with soot, i think of the importance of protecting the ring. whenever i encounter a sandstorm, i will worry about the destruction of vegetation, the loss of water and soil, and the desertification of the land. every time i see a clear stream being polluted by a nearby factory, i will sweat the little life in the stream. every time i see a lot of waste paper and white trash on the street, i shout out, "give me a fresh living environment!"

created a lot of wealth for human beings, the development of science, but also brought difficult to avoid the disaster to human: soil erosion, land desertification, water reduce, animals, species extinction, etc. the destruction of the environment. can we be indifferent in this serious form? what can a primary school student do for the environment? if you want to go, i'll start with you.

at home, my grandmother is a good helper, to tell grandma about the should also be in accordance with the regeneration, non-renewable waste landfill, and hazardous waste treatment, we established two old items box, a waste paper, waste plastics, a skin. on the day of arbor day, i also used my lucky money to buy two trees and my parents to plant in the forest park. at school, as a group, i worked even harder. my classmates and i hold copies out the newspaper issue of environmental protection, through the data collected a lot of knowledge about environmental protection, comic propaganda, make every students formed the good habits of environmental protection. due to insufficient understanding of waste battery pollution a lot of people, the phenomenon of discarded waste battery is very serious, i wrote a letter to the principal "waste battery where it is still" in suzhou, set up waste battery recycling bins in school. in the street, i saw an aunt who was eating a lot of chewing gum, and i ran over and told her that my aunt would not take it

it spit on the ground, and it should be wrapped in paper and put in the bin. imagine what happens if every piece of chewing gum is spit on the ground.

i think: if we melon continent county elementary school students to do this, here's the sky become more blue, the air will become more clean and pure and fresh, tap water tastes more fragrant and sweet, cities will become more beautiful! the new century will have a brighter smile! let's be the green guard! let's shout: "protect the environment, from me!"

















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